A cheeky A to Z illustrated guide by internationally renowned artist Brian Caldersmith Throughout life, Brian Caldersmith has been called many things but cheeky and talented would be the top of the...
By: SCH Davis . S C H Davis, known to friends and fans as Sammy, is one of the most popular and enduring figures in the history of British motorsport, universally remembered for his heroic, glorious...
Type a description for this product here...DRIVEN is John Aston's hugely entertaining motoring autobiography. This ambitious and far ranging book begins with his early days as a teenage car...
Group A Touring Car Classics - Relive the 1980s with Brock, Johnson, Richards, Bond, Grice and many more... Three of the best races of the 1980s in the Australian Touring Car Championship ... The...
Produced by Chevron Marketing Services 2016 Running time approx• 3 hours 27 min, BHE6992, Code: 9340601001749, PAL Format Due to the nature of the footage some minor technical faults may...
By: Matt Stone . Description He made movies best remembered for their wild car chases, mad motorcycle dashes, and hair-raising races, but no one forgets the man at the wheel - Steve McQueen, the King...