By: Ben Watson .
Whether you're giving new life to a daily driver or creating a quarter mile screamer, a blueprinted engine offers many rewards. Blueprinting is the exact science of engine rebuilding. The careful measuring. fitting, and balancing done during the blueprinting process creates an engine that returns improved performance fuel economy, and dependability. The engine becomes, in essence, brand new.
Pro Engine Blueprinting provides all the information you need to successfully blueprint your engine Author Ben Watson, an experienced engine builder and automotive instructor, guides you through the entire blueprinting process from part selection and preparation to final inspection and assembly. His easy to understand text, combined with 200 black and white photographs, drawings, and charts, makes engine building simple and fun.
If you're serious about performance and reliability and you don't want to spend thousands of dollars buying a new powerplant, blueprint your engine. With this book, you can do it yourself and know it was done right.