Motorcycles By Make - Books
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The Second Book Of The BSA Unit Construction O.H.V. Twins A50 & A65 Series 1962 -1969 (Veloce Press)
EUR35.83Author: A.G.Lupton, Softbound,124 Pages, ISBN: 9781588501691, 2012 VelocePress reprint of Floyd Clymer original ! ABOUT THE BOOK: Originally published under the title The Second Book of the BSA Twins by A.G. Lupton, this book is one of The...EUR35.83 -
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BSA Twins & Triples - The Postwar A7/A10, A50/65 and Rocket III (Mercian Reprint)
Mercian Manuals
EUR59.74Author: Roy Bacon, with Foreword by Bob Currie, Hardbound,191 Pages, ISBN: 9781903088364 September 2007 reprint of 1980 original Osprey Edition ! BSA TWINS & TRIPLES The Postwar A7/A10, A50/65 and Rocket III 'The most popular motor cycle in...EUR59.74 -
How To Hop-Up And Customize Your Harley-Davidson Bagger
EUR44.83Author: Timothy Remus, Siftbound, 144 Pages, ISBN: 9781929133185, First Edition, 2004 Baggers don't have to be slow and they don't have to look like every other Dresser in the parking lot. Take your Bagger from slow to show with a few more...EUR44.83 -
Triumph 350 & 500 Unit Twins 1957 to 1974 - The Essential Buyer's Guide
Veloce Publishing
EUR14.64Author: Peter Henshaw (Marque Expert) , Softbound, 64 Pages, ISBN: 9781845847555, First Published, 2014 Having this book in your pocket is just like having a real marque expert by your side. Benefit from Peter Henshaw's years of...EUR14.64 -
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Original Harley-Davidson Knucklehead
EUR176.32Author: Greg Field, Hardbound, 128 Pages, ISBN: 9780760310618, First Edition, 2004 **VERY RARE BOOK IN EXCELLENT UNREAD CONDITION** Harley-Davidson stunned the world when it unveiled its EL 61, better known as the Knucklehead, on November 25,...EUR176.32 -
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The Harley-Davidson Century (Paperback Edition)
Now: EUR78.30Was: EUR104.60Edited by Darwin Holmstrom, Softbound, 384 Pages, ISBN: 9780760320730, 2004 Edition - VERY RARE BOOK IN EXCELLENT UREAD CONDITION ** When people close their eyes and imagine a motorcycle, chances are that motorcycle looks very much like a Harley-Davidson...Now: EUR78.30Was: EUR104.60 -
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How To Build A Harley-Davidson Torque Monster
EUR59.74Author: Bill Rook, Softbound, 208 Pages, ISBN: 9780760329115, First Edition, 2007 Harley-Davidson engine expert Bill Rook has spent decades perfecting the art of building torque-monster V-twin Harleys. Rook's goal always has been to go...EUR59.74 -
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Everything You Need To Know - Harley-Davidson Motorcycles
Now: EUR31.08Was: EUR41.81Author: Bill Stermer, Softbound, 160 Pages, ISBN: 9780760328101, First Edition, 2007 Whether you're new to motorcycling, contemplating your first Harley or just coming back to America's iconic motorcycle, this book is the only one you'll...Now: EUR31.08Was: EUR41.81 -
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Harley-Davidson Softail (Greg Field)
EUR56.78Author: Greg Field, ISBN: 9780760310632, paperback, published in 2003, 127 pages In 1984 Harley- Davidson dropped a bomb on the motorcycle world. That bomb was the Softail—the official factory chopper, a deviation from everything...EUR56.78 -
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Ducati 916 (Haynes Great Bikes)- First Edition
MSRP: EUR59.74EUR41.81Author: Ian Falloon, Hardbound, 160 Pages, H689, ISBN: 9781859606896, First Edition, June, 2001 - **SECOND-HAND BOOK IN EXCELLENT CONDITION**- Slight tear on front jacket !!** see the images Introduced at the end of 1993, the 916 has spearheaded the...MSRP: EUR59.74EUR41.81 -
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Bonnie - The Development History Of The Triumph Bonneville (2nd Edition)
EUR116.55Author: JR Nelson, Softbound,184 Pages, F957, ISBN: 9780854299577, Reprinted in 2006 - RARE BOOK IN EXCELLENT UNREAD CONDITION - John Nelson, Triumph's Service Manager for many years, tells the story of the Triumph Bonneville, one of the...EUR116.55 -
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The Ducati Story (Fourth Edition)
Now: EUR44.83Was: EUR59.74Author: Ian Falloon, Hardbound, 256 Pages, H4322, ISBN: 9781844253227 - This Edition published in July, 2006 - Book in excellent unread condition ! Its part of Italian folklore how Ducati switched from electronics to motorcycle manufacturing after their...Now: EUR44.83Was: EUR59.74