Enthusiast Books
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Packard - An Illustrated History 1899 -1958
Enthusiast Books
EUR46.01Author: Patrick R. Foster, Paperback, 126 Pages, ISBN: 9781583883464, !st Edition, 2017 In the long and exciting history of the American automobile business one name stands out above others:...EUR46.01 -
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Wagoneer, Gladiator, Comanche, and Scrambler An Illustrated History of Jeep's Tough, Go-Anywhere Wagons and Pickups
Enthusiast Books
EUR51.80As Jeep sales have skyrocketed in recent years, the company has put more money and muscle behind vintage names like Wagoneer and Gladiator, and has jumped into pickups as never before. But what made...EUR51.80 -
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Willys - The Complete Illustrated History 1903 - 1963
Enthusiast Books
EUR40.26Authors: Patrick Foster and Bill Tilden, Softbound, 126 Pages, ISBN: 9781583883419, First Edition, 2016 Although there have been many Jeep books, this is the first complete history of the...EUR40.26