By: Antonio Campigotto, Maura Grandi, Enrico Ruffi .
Covers motorcycles: Augusta - F.I.A.B., Bondi, Bonfiglioli, C.M, DEMM-S.A.C.M.E.R.A., De Togni, F.B, G.D, Maglietta, M.M., Moto Morini, O.M.A., Paselli, S.A.M.E.M., Sita, Zappoli...
The Museum of Industrial Heritage of Bologna, placed in an ancient brickwork studies, documents and displays the productive history of the city and its territory step by step from "Bologna of water and silk" of the 15th to 18th centuries to the contemporary Mechanical and Mechanical and Electronic Engineering district.
Machines, scale models, functioning models, exhibits, laboratory apparatus, scientific instruments are protagonists of an exhibition which is divided intro five theme sections where scenographic settings, interactive structures, slide projections, multivisions and documentaries explain the context of belonging and sustain the narrative path.
The exhibition "Bologna motorcycles of the 1930-'45. The motorcydes production between evolution and autarchia" is the second step of multi-year research project which is done, for the editorial part, with the co-operation of Giorgio Nada Editore.