Automotive History

Automotive History

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    East German Motor Vehicles in Pictures

    East German Motor Vehicles in Pictures - Cars, Vans & Trucks 1945 to 1990

    Veloce Publishing

    For the first time in English, here is a complete record of all the cars, trucks and buses manufactured over forty years in the German Democratic Republic. The authors have tracked down and pictured, in authentic surroundings, an example of every GDR...
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  • Cars of Eastern Europe The Definitive History Cars of Eastern Europe The Definitive History
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    Cars of Eastern Europe The Definitive History


    By: Andy Thompson . Description Much of Eastern Europe, for many years the mysterious half of the continent, missed out on the first century of the Industrial Revolution. By the middle of the twentieth century. its motor industry, with one or two...
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    Russian Motor Vehicles: Soviet Limousines 1930 - 2003 Russian Motor Vehicles: Soviet Limousines 1930 - 2003

    Russian Motor Vehicles - Soviet Limousines 1930 - 2003

    Veloce Publishing

    By: Maurice A. Kelly . Description A book concerning Russian Limousines, and the Chinese models that were initially derived from them, has never been attempted before.This book investigates the whole story of why the Soviet Communist Party required such...
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    A - Z of Cars 1945 - 1970 A - Z of Cars 1945 - 1970

    A - Z of Cars 1945 - 1970

    Herridge & Sons

    By: Michael Sedgwick, Mark Gillies . Description Demand for this book has never slackened since first publication in 1986, and a full revision in 1993 brought the benefit of the latest knowledge about many cars and makers. It's now back in print after a...
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    A - Z of cars of the 1920s A - Z of cars of the 1920s

    A - Z of cars of the 1920s

    Herridge & Sons

    By: Nick Baldwin . Description   In the Vintage period, 1919-30, a staggering total of 380 firms in Britain launched new models, and all these makers are listed here. Their background is filled in, and representative models are described, with...
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  • A - Z of Cars of the 1930s A - Z of Cars of the 1930s
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    A - Z of Cars of the 1930s

    Herridge & Sons

    MSRP: $39.99
    By: Michael Sedgwick, Mark Gillies . Description Begun by the late Michael Sedgwick and continued after his death in 1983 by Mark Gillies, this outstanding reference book provides encyclopaedic coverage of every make and model of British, European and...
    MSRP: $39.99
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    A - Z of Cars of The 1970s A - Z of Cars of The 1970s

    A - Z of Cars of The 1970s

    Herridge & Sons

    By: Graham Robson . Description From AC to Zagato, this A-Z offers the enthusiast and invaluable guide to all 1970s models sold in Britain, and Graham Robson's text also makes fascinating reading. An increasing number of Japanese cars came on the scene...
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