
Australian Motor Racing Year Number 22 1992 / 1993 Yearbook

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Chevron Publishing, Hardbound, 304 Pages, ISBN: 9770158413229, very good condition


For the first time in its 22-year history, Australian Motor Racing Year has been published in Australia before the end of the calendar year it covers, meaning the 1992 motor sport season was available in this top quality book form before Christmas.

Over the years (and we've owned it one way or another for all those years) many of our long-time readers, who patiently waited for the book mid-way through the following year, asked 'is if the book couldn't be made available for Xmas gifts. Well, the only answer we can make is that it took us 22 years to find out how to get it all to come together — and although we try hard to keep in touch with all of our customers, there is sure to be quite a number who for one reason or another missed out on getting their copy early.

Putting Australian Motor Racing Year together is no simple task, yet we work now with less people overall; local and overseas freelance journalists and photographers, our own staff including editors, advertising sales, art and production and, of course, our front desk — the recession in Australia has done much to teach us the merits of a small, enthusiastic, supportive and dedicated team.

Naturally we're pretty proud of our timing achievement with getting our part of the job done only weeks after the last championship event was run, but we must also thank our service people in the typesetters and printers. Without their co-operation, all of our efforts right through the year would have been in vain.

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