Approach to Automotive (Spiral bound) has been adapted for schools from the classic McGraw-Hill Education Australia text Automotive Mechanics by Ed May and Les Simpson. Incorporating up-to-date material from the completely revised eighth edition, it addresses the majority of the essential components of the VET schools program, as aligned with the National Training Package AUR05.
With all the successful features of the larger text, including chapter overviews, clearly indicated learning objectives, end-of-chapter review questions, an abundance of figures and illustrations, and a glossary of technical terms, Approach to Automotive covers: The basics of the industry in Australia and New Zealand; Safety; Workshop practices; Components; Tools; Measuring and checking; Friction and bearings; Seals, gaskets and sealants; Batteries; and Diagnosing and troubleshooting.
Most importantly, Approach to Automotive follows the new eighth edition of the larger text in incorporating for the first time full-colour graphics and photos, which offer, along with the clear and accessible layout, a new experience in ease of use.
About the authors
1 Motor vehicle components
2 Workshop safety
3 Workshop practices
5 Measuring and checking
6 Friction and bearings
7 Seals, gaskets and sealants
8 The battery
9 The environment and the automotive service industry
Appendix: The SI system of measurement