By: Gregory's .
4WD Mechanic is designed to enlighten the 4WD owner in the basic workings of the modern off-road vehicle and to provide generalised repair and testing procedures for the majority of the vehicles components.
The repair methods, although generalised to cover many different makes and models, have been proven in practice over the years in our workshops. To ensure that the reader can readily identify the components and the operations described in the text, many detailed photographs and line drawings have been included. As with any generalised publication, the correct service and repair manual pertaining to the vehicle should be purchased as a companion to this book.
Each section contains, where possible, a detailed explanation of each components construction and operation, as well as step by step procedures for the removal and installation of the components. Where applicable, detailed instructions for the testing, overhaul and adjustment of components are included.
The importance of regular lubrication and maintenance is stressed, as this can greatly enhance the service life of many vehicle components. It also gives the opportunity to identify and correct minor faults before they deteriorate further.
Particular emphasis is placed on the value of trouble shooting as the identification of the trouble can, on occasions, be more of a problem than the cure itself. If used correctly, the trouble shooting tables covering the majority of trouble causes and remedies, should greatly assist in the saving of time, inconvenience and possible expenditure.
Reference in this publication to the left and right hand sides of the vehicle are from the point of view of someone standing at the back of the vehicle and looking forward.
4WD Mechanic will hopefully bring within the scope of many readers numerous tasks on the vehicle which can be tackled with confidence and the personal satisfaction of a job well done is the inevitable bonus.