By: Mike Seate .
Choppers, originally the favored rides of outlaw bikers, represent the pinnacle of todays motorcycling chic. Choppers designed by top builders routinely command six-figure prices. Once relegated to the scrap heap of pop-culture history along with wide lapels, mutton-chop sideburns, and macram233 vests, the chopper has returned to the cultural forefront. Todays choppers, rigid-framed, 125-horsepower steeds thrusting their extended forks down Americas public highways, violate our sensibilities with their sheer outrageousness. Outlaw Choppers tells the story of these wild machines, where they came from, whats going on today, and where theyre going in the future.
Sripped to the bone, dripped in candy coating, and outfitted with chrome accessories and custom fabrications, choppers are the ultimate expression of cool as unique as any tattoo, as dangerous as any body piercing.
Raked out, stretched, fattened, filed, bent, chromed, lowered, and raised, these choppers and bobbers take building and fabricating to the extreme, and they're here in Outlaw Choppers.
Author Mike Seate searched the country for America's breakout builders and examines the history and philosophy of chopper building to see where the art has been and what's just around the corner.
Brilliant colour photos and profiles of builders like Chica, Indian Larry, Dave Perewitz, and many more are featured. Each builder takes a unique spin on incorporating elements of the past, adds their own touches, and redefines the chopper.